We hate to see spring go, but we love to watch it leave because
we are ready for summer!

The anticipation of summer coming is a feeling like no other. We look forward to warm weather, tan skin, pool days, vacation, but mostly NO SCHOOL. However, we forget that with summer creeping around the corner, comes the very heavy load of final exams, projects, and bittersweet goodbyes.
Studies have shown that the majority of students report being more stressed by tests and by schoolwork than by anything else in their lives. All of this stress and anxiety builds up specifically at the end of the school year when final exams are taking place and grades are being recorded.
We want every student to know that they are loved, cherished, and supported regardless of that test score or grade. We understand that you are putting in your best effort and we are here to say we’re proud of you.
We’re proud of you for sticking with it and coming out of a difficult school year even stronger.
We’re proud of every smile you shared with a classmate or stranger in the hallways or in your community.
We’re proud of all the late night study sessions, sweet memories made with friends, and all the incredible ways you’ve grown over the years.
We’re proud of the person you are and of the person you are becoming.
We are here to say we’re proud of you.
To show our appreciation and support to area high school and college students, we’re here to offer you discounts on our policies.
We see you working hard and getting those grades, now it’s time to make those grades work for you. For student’s with a GPA of 3.0 or higher, those on the Dean’s List, Honor Roll, in the top 20% of your class, or who test in the top 20% will receive a discount on your insurance policy at our agency. Give us a call or message us today to get this deal!
For students that don’t meet these requirements, fill out the form to receive a free quote and we will work to get you the best rates and coverage possible for your specific needs.
Now, as a recent college grad I know that insurance isn’t the most exciting thing, but hey money saved here is money that can be spent on that spring break trip or the ridiculous amounts of coffee you consume. You work hard, treat yourself with some sweet savings.
Give us a call today and let us see how we can save you money, while still providing you with the best coverages.