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Unlimited Is Always Better

Think about it. We all want that unlimited data plan, endless buffet, never-ending vacation days, and more. We don't want to place limits on our lives.

So, why do we limit our mind?

You may have noticed our agency rolling out some new classes and events lately.

That’s because we have recently partnered with the Joplin Area Real Estate Investment Association and in doing so we have made great contacts and have met some of the most amazing people!

We are always looking for ways to grow and better ways to serve our community.

By expanding our knowledge in insurance, real estate, investing, and more, we feel we are more equipped to help you. Given that the people in our community are from all walks of life, we strive to maintain diversity and we make it our goal to always have a growth mindset.

Having a growth mindset means you get to determine what you are capable of through learning, experimenting, and practicing. People with a growth mindset don’t live in fear of failing. Instead, they see failure as a way to grow and learn. Those with a growth mindset seek out challenges. They thrive on doing the hard thing. Someone with a growth mindset will understand that their talents and abilities are developed through hard work, constant learning, and dedication.

That’s why we decided to spend this whole month on education and we encourage you to do the same.

From the insurance side of things, we will be focusing on educating in all things insurance. We want to answer any and all questions you may have, so please send your thoughts and questions our way by filling out a contact form here:

We believe that learning about insurance is super important because it’s part of our everyday life. However, there are also so many other things to learn.

We encourage you to find that one thing you’ve always wanted to grow in, and learn more about it this month. Step out of your fixed mindset and routine and start developing a growth mindset to live life fully.

It’s not going to happen overnight and there will still be so much more to learn when this month is over. However, imagine a community full of people focused on learning and growing every single day. Celebrating the victories. Teaching each other. Sharing in success.

Here, there is endless growth and opportunity.


Our agency offers classes, coaching, other learning resources for those wanting to grow in insurance, real estate, business, investing, and more. To learn more visit our website at: or give us a call today (620) 231-6460.

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